We use no-code and AI to
build your product in days

We use no-code and AI to build your product in days

We accidentally created a model that enables us to build entire software products and apps in just a few days.

The World's Fastest Product Development. Welcome To The New Normal.

Our Model

How we build products real fast

We believe in long-term partnerships. The hired lead-developer is your long-term internal hire who will make sure your tech is always on-point. Here is an overview of our process:


Submit Project

Provide a basic overview of what you want to build in less than 1 minute


Hire Lead Developer

AI Matches you to senior developers who have built in your industry. Choose who to hire


Design UI/UX

If you don't have a UI/UX Design, lead developer will help you hire a designer to design the UI/UX


AI Creates Blocks

Lead developer provides details of the project to AI which divides the project into Blocks


AI Matches Blocks

Each block is matched by AI to developers who have built that exact feature (or something similar)


Product Built in Days

1 Matched developer is hired for each block. Hired developers each work on their block and complete the project in days

Our Approach

Each project is divided into Blocks

A block is a group of related features that need to be built

AI Steps In

Each block is matched to developers with vetted experience in that area

This means that each feature of your product is built by an expert who has built that exact feature before (or something similar)

Developer Vetting

How does our AI know which developers to match?

Every developer submits integrations which are verified manually. An integration is a feature they have built before. Our AI uses each developer's approved integrations to match them with blocks

It works like magic

Each hired developer focuses on building their block

The lead developer manages the overall project, ensures all is well, and keeps the client updated on progress.

Some of our work

Real software, built in days!

SalesCraft AI

Using AI to generate personalised cold sales messages for prospects to increase response and conversion rates. SalesCraft is a tool for B2B Sales that helps sales professionals speed-up cold messaging by automating the research and message crafting process

Cost: $4800
Built in 6 Days

Lett Properties

A leasing agent in your pocket. Meet Lett, a faster, easier, and more affordable way to manage your rental property.

Cost: $7,400
Built in 14 Days

Jobgrind AI

Using AI to generate a digital resume based on your current CV or LinkedIn profile. Build a more comprehensive resume with verified data. Generate cover letters for jobs with AI, Generate different versions of digital resume for different jobs your applying for.

Cost: $5,900
Built in 9 days


A Tool for short-term traders to receive alerts when trading conditions are met. Traders can choose an instrument eg AAPL and set 1-5 technical indicators to track. When the condition is met, the user is sent a push notification. The aim is to help traders only trade when the market is favourable for their trading strategy

Cost: $6,200
Built in 18 days
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How much?

Pay per Block

Our AI divides each project into logical blocks (Each block is a set of related features that need to be built). Every product will have a specific number of Standard and Complex Blocks depending on what needs to be built. Pricing is based on the type and number of blocks.

UI/UX Design


Designing the UI/UX on Figma
Includes both Mobile and Desktop UI/UX

Basic Blocks

/ Block

These Blocks do not have any advanced features such as complex logical operations, data structures. Up to 3 related standard features

Standard Blocks

/ Block

Similar to Basic Blocks (no advanced features) but contain more than 3 related standard features that need to be built

Complex Blocks

/ Block

These Blocks contain complex logic or data structures, may involve AI or integration with external platforms.

Join the talent base

Want to join our marketplace as a developer?

If you are a skilled no-code developer, you can join our talent base below.

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Thank you

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Want to reach out directly?

You can reach us via our email address below

Meet The Founding Team
We’re hiring!

We’re looking for talented people

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
Business Development Associate
We're looking for business oriented students to join our growing operations team on a commission-only opportunity that does not involve interacting with clients. Minimum 10 hours/week.
20 Positions Available

Frequently Asked Questions

What is devshired?

Devshired is a freelance marketplace that uses no-code developers and AI to build software products really fast. We have developed a model that enables us to build products really quickly while maintaining quality and security standards.

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Which countries do you operate in?

We serve clients in all countries around the world but have a heavier presence in the United States.

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What technologies do you use to build products?

We primarily use no-code technologies, mostly Bubble.io as a full stack development platform. We leverage other no-code platforms where needed and also work with code if needed to extend the functionality of a no-code-built product

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Which countries do you accept developers from?

We accept developers from all over the world

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What are integrations?

An integration is a feature that a developer has built before. Developers on Devshired submit an integration for each feature they've built before. This submission is verified by our internal team of senior developers and is approved if it meets our quality standards. Our AI uses approved integrations to understand each developer's skills and experience and matches them with jobs

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How do you vet developers?

When developers join Devshired, they cannot get jobs immediately. They need to build their profile by submitting integrations. This is because they can only be hired if they are matched to a block by AI. Our AI matches each block of a project to a developer who has built that exact feature (or something similar) based on their approved integrations.

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What role does AI play in vetting

AI is not used to vet developers, this is done manually. AI is only used to understand developer skills based on vetted/approved integrations.

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What detail do I provide when submitting an integration

A Title, Description of what was built, and a link to the Bubble Editor as well as a preview/live link. You can also add some notes with any additional information or login details. If you do not have access to the project editor anymore, you can submit just the preview link and connect us with the client so that we can verify your involvement in building that feature.

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What are blocks?

A block is a feature or set of related features that need to be built on a project. Every project has features that need to be built. A block is 1 feature or multiple related features grouped together. Blocks are generated by our AI based on information provided by the client and lead developer.

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What is your matching process?

AI matches each block to developers who have built that exact feature before (or something similar). Our AI understands each developers skills and experience based on their approved integrations. Developers who are matched receive notifications are can submit a bid. Client and lead developer can see bids and can message, meet and interview each applicant before choosing a hire for each block.

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How are blocks priced?

When AI groups the features into blocks, each block is classified as either Basic ($300), Standard ($500) or Complex ($1000). The classification is based how difficult it is to build the block and the number of features grouped together. Non-complex blocks with less than 3 features grouped together are Basic Blocks. Non-complex blocks with 3 or more features grouped together are Standard Blocks. (Blocks have a max of 5 features grouped into 1).

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How does hiring work?

Developers matched to a block are notified. They can then place a bid (timeline and price) for the block. The client or lead developer can meet and interview each developer before choosing who to hire. For each Match, the client and lead developer read the AI's reason for matching that developer, and the past experience (integrations) of the developer that are relevant to the block.

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What is the role of the lead developer?

The lead developer has 2 primary roles:
1. To manage the project and developers and ensure that the project is delivered on time to the client
2. To keep the client updated and informed and to get information needed by the developers from the client

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How are blocks developed

When the project commences, each hired developer focuses on building their block. Each developer can communicate and collaborate with the other developers if needed. Once the block is complete, the developer has to QA and fix any issues that are found. The final error-free QA is then recorded and submitted to the lead developer. The developer then has to provide technical documentation and submit this before they can recevie payment

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How are the blocks integrated into the project?

The different blocks are brought together into one branch, and then any confilicts and issues are fixed by the relevant developers. QA is then conducted on the entire project and is recorded. Any issues found are fixed by relevant developers.

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How does handover to the client work?

Client has access to the final QA Recording from each block, as well as the final QA of the entire project. There is then handover meeting where the full working product is presented to their client. Once approved, the application is transferred to the clients account, domains are linked, mobile apps are listed (if required) and documentation is handed over to the client. The lead developer stays on for a $500 monthly retainer and help the client maintain the tech and make sure everything is on point.

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